ARK: Survival Evolved has a brand-new expansion called Extinction, and it features a bevy of new creatures, gear and Titan mini-bosses. Below, you'll find a list of admin commands that allow you to spawn the new content in single-player or on a multiplayer server that has cheats enabled.
How to use Admin Commands in ARK
Before we get to the commands themselves, let's go over the basics of using ARK's admin commands on console or PC.
Just press the Tab key and start typing your command.
On PS4 or Xbox, you must first bring up the pause menu and press L1+R1+X+triangle (or LB+RB+X+Y). This brings up the command menu for you to start typing.
If you're playing multiplayer you may need to enter the "enablecheats" command first, but in single-player everything should work without it.
ARK Extinction Creature Commands

Type these commands to spawn tamed versions of Extinction's new creatures on your favorite map. The number of desired level is preceded by a space and does not have brackets around it.
- Velonasaur: gmsummon "spindles_character_bp_c" [number of desired level]
- Enforcer: gmsummon "enforcer_character_bp_c" [number of desired level]
- Gasbags: gmsummon "gasbags_character_bp_c" [number of desired level]
- Snow Owl: gmsummon "owl_character_bp_c" [number of desired level]
- Gacha: gmsummon "gacha_character_bp_c" [number of desired level]
- Managarmr: gmsummon "icejumper_character_bp_c" [number of desired level]
- Mek: gmsummon "mek_character_bp_c" [number of desired level]
- Forest Wyvern: admincheat Summon Wyvern_Character_BP_Fire_Minion_C

In the case of the Titans, 1,500 is their base level, so start the desired level there. You can also only have one of each Titan type on Official Servers.
- Ice Titan: gmsummon "icekaiju_character_bp_c" [number of desired level]
- Desert Titan: gmsummon "desertkaiju_character_bp_c" [number of desired level]
- Forest Titan: gmsummon "forestkaiju_character_bp_c" [number of desired level]
Creature & Titan Saddles
- Desert Titan Saddle: cheat gfi Armor_DesertKaiju 1 1 0
- Forest Titan Saddle: cheat gfi Armor_ForestKaiju 1 1 0
- Gacha Saddle: cheat gfi Armor_GachaSaddle 1 1 0
- Gasbags Saddle: cheat gfi Armor_GasBagsSaddle 1 1 0
- Managarmr Saddle: cheat gfi Armor_IceJumperSaddle 1 1 0
- Ice Titan Saddle: cheat gfi Armor_IceKaiju 1 1 0
- Mek Backpack: cheat gfi Armor_MekBackpack_Base 1 1 0
- Mek Missile Pod: cheat gfi Armor_MekBackpack_MissilePod 1 1 0
- Mek Backpack Shield: cheat gfi Armor_MekBackpack_Shield 1 1 0
- Mek Backpack Siege Cannon: cheat gfi Armor_MekBackpack_SiegeCannon 1 1 0
- Mek Transformer: cheat gfi Armor_MekTransformer 1 1 0
- Snow Owl Saddle: cheat gfi Armor_OwlSaddle 1 1 0
- Velonasaur Saddle: cheat gfi Armor_SpindlesSaddle 1 1 0
- Owl Egg Fertilized: cheat gfi Egg_Owl_Fertilized 1 1 0
- Owl Egg: cheat gfi Egg_Owl 1 1 0
- Velonasaur Egg Fertilized: cheat gfi Egg_Spindles_Fertilized 1 1 0
- Velonasaur Egg: cheat gfi Egg_Spindles 1 1 0
- Empty Cryopod: cheat gfi EmptyCryopod 1 1 0
- Taxidermy Tool: cheat gfi TaxidermyTool 1 1 0
- Tek Gravity Grenade: cheat gfi TekGravityGrenade 1 1 0
- Cannon Shell: cheat gfi Ammo_CannonShell 1 1 0
- Rocket Pod: cheat gfi Ammo_RocketPod 1 1 0
- Blue Sap: cheat gfi Resource_BlueSap 1 1 0
- Condensed Gas: cheat gfi Resource_CondensedGas 1 1 0
- Corrupted Polymer: cheat gfi Resource_CorruptedPolymer 1 1 0
- Corrupted Wood: cheat gfi PrimalItemResource_CorruptedWood 1 1 0
- Elemental Dust: cheat gfi Resource_ElementDust 1 1 0
- Unstable Element: cheat gfi Resource_ElementDustFromElement 1 1 0
- Unstable Element Shard: cheat gfi Resource_ElementDustFromShards 1 1 0
- Element Refined: cheat gfi Resource_ElementRefined 1 1 0
- Dermis: cheat gfi PrimalItem_TaxidermyDermis 1 1 0
- Fractured Gem: cheat gfi Resource_FracturedGem 1 1 0
- Corrupt Heart: cheat gfi Resource_RareDrop_CorruptHeart 1 1 0
- Red Sap: cheat gfi Resource_RedSap 1 1 0
- Scrap Metal: cheat gfi Resource_ScrapMetal 1 1 0
- Scrap Metal Ingot: cheat gfi Resource_ScrapMetalIngot 1 1 0
- Shard Refined: cheat gfi Resource_ShardRefined 1 1 0
- Silicate: cheat gfi Resource_Silicate 1 1 0
- Superior Augmented Kibble: Kibble Base Large EX 1 1 0
- Regular Augmented Kibble: cheat gfi Kibble_Base_Medium_EX 1 1 0
- Small Advanced Kibble: cheat gfi Kibble_Base_Small_EX 1 1 0
- Extra Small Advanced Kibble: cheat gfi Kibble_Base_XSmall_EX 1 1 0
- Extraordinary Augmented Kibble: Kibble_Base_Special_EX
- Exceptional Augmented Kibble: cheat gfi Kibble_Base_XLarge_EX 1 1 0
- Scout Remote: cheat gfi ScoutRemote 1 1 0
- Dino Leash: cheat gfi DinoLeash 1 1 0
- Taxidermy Tool: cheat gfi TaxidermyTool 1 1 0
- Tek Bridge: cheat gfi TekBridge 1 1 0
- Cryofridge: cheat gfi CryoFridge 1 1 0
- Large Taxidermy Base: cheat gfi TaxidermyBase_Large 1 1 0
- Medium Taxidermy Base: cheat gfi TaxidermyBase_Medium 1 1 0
- Small Taxidermy Base: cheat gfi TaxidermyBase 1 1 0
- Balloon Storage Box: cheat gfi StorageBox_Balloon 1 1 0
- Tek Bridge: cheat gfi TekBridge 1 1 0
- Gas Bag Apex: cheat gfi ApexDrop_GasBag 1 1 0
- Corrupt Heart: cheat gfi CorruptHeart 1 1 0
- Artifact of the Desert Titan: cheat gfi Artifact_Extinction_DesertKaiju 1 1 0
- Artifact of the Forest Titan: cheat gfi Artifact_Extinction_ForestKaiju 1 1 0
- Artifact of the Ice Titan: cheat gfi Artifact_Extinction_IceKaiju 1 1 0
- Owl Pellet: cheat gfi OwlPellet 1 1 0
- Gacha Pod: cheat gfi GachaPod 1 1 0
Those are all the admin commands we know right now, but we'll do our best to add to the list as we learn more.
ARK: Survival Evolved is available now on PC, Xbox One, PS4, Mac and Linux.
What are your thoughts on Extinction's new creatures and Dinos? Which cheat is your favorite? Tell us in the comments section!
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