Fame | Burning Spear net worth and salary income estimation Jan, 2024

How old is Burning Spear? When is Burning Spear's birthday? Where is Burning Spear born? Where did Burning Spear grow up from? What's Burning Spear's age? Burning Spear Born: 1945 (age 78years), Saint Ann's Bay, Jamaica

How old is Burning Spear? When is Burning Spear's birthday? Where is Burning Spear born? Where did Burning Spear grow up from? What's Burning Spear's age?

Burning Spear Born: 1945 (age 78years), Saint Ann's Bay, Jamaica

Is Burning Spear married? When did Burning Spear get married? Who's Burning Spear's married to? (Who's Burning Spear's husband / wife)?

Burning Spear Spouse: Sonia Rodney

What is Burning Spear doing now?

Burning Spear has won two Grammy Awards for Best Reggae Album; one at the 42nd Grammy Awards in 2000 for Calling Rastafari, and one for 2009's Jah Is Real. He has been nominated for a total of 12 Grammy Awards. Nominations for Best Reggae Album: 1986 Resistance.

What is the meaning of the Burning Spear?

Burning Spear has won two Grammy Awards for Best Reggae Album; one at the 42nd Grammy Awards in 2000 for Calling Rastafari, and one for 2009's Jah Is Real. He has been nominated for a total of 12 Grammy Awards. Nominations for Best Reggae Album: 1986 Resistance.

What is Burning Spear famous for?

Burning Spear has won two Grammy Awards for Best Reggae Album; one at the 42nd Grammy Awards in 2000 for Calling Rastafari, and one for 2009's Jah Is Real. He has been nominated for a total of 12 Grammy Awards. Nominations for Best Reggae Album: 1986 Resistance.

