How old is Burning Spear? When is Burning Spear's birthday? Where is Burning Spear born? Where did Burning Spear grow up from? What's Burning Spear's age?
Burning Spear Born: 1945 (age 78years), Saint Ann's Bay, Jamaica
Is Burning Spear married? When did Burning Spear get married? Who's Burning Spear's married to? (Who's Burning Spear's husband / wife)?
Burning Spear Spouse: Sonia Rodney
What is Burning Spear doing now?
Burning Spear has won two Grammy Awards for Best Reggae Album; one at the 42nd Grammy Awards in 2000 for Calling Rastafari, and one for 2009's Jah Is Real. He has been nominated for a total of 12 Grammy Awards. Nominations for Best Reggae Album: 1986 Resistance.
What is the meaning of the Burning Spear?
Burning Spear has won two Grammy Awards for Best Reggae Album; one at the 42nd Grammy Awards in 2000 for Calling Rastafari, and one for 2009's Jah Is Real. He has been nominated for a total of 12 Grammy Awards. Nominations for Best Reggae Album: 1986 Resistance.
What is Burning Spear famous for?
Burning Spear has won two Grammy Awards for Best Reggae Album; one at the 42nd Grammy Awards in 2000 for Calling Rastafari, and one for 2009's Jah Is Real. He has been nominated for a total of 12 Grammy Awards. Nominations for Best Reggae Album: 1986 Resistance.