Sadly, by this point in her career, Chelsea Houska is probably accustomed to constant criticism from her army of rabid haters.
Thankfully, she has more fans than detractors, but we’re sure that receiving blowback on every damn thing she posts is still pretty irritating at times.
Most of the complaints have to do with Chelsea’s appearance, as commenters are bizarrely fixated on trying to figure out exactly how much work she’s had done.
Obviously, that sort of speculation is never cool, even when it’s disguised as anxiety over Chelsea’s “addiction” to plastic surgery.

(This sort of concern-trolling is a favorite tactic among Chelsea’s most persistent haters.)
But even a broken clock is right twice a day, and the haters might actually have a point with one recent complaint:
Now, as you’re probably aware, Chelsea makes her living as an interior decorator these days, and she loves to show off little design tips.

But her latest advice has drawn mixed reviews, as many commenters believe that Chelsea failed to consider the basic rules of fire safety.
As you can see in the pic above, she appears to have a large holiday wreath hanging from the ventilation system above her stove.
“Who says Wreaths are just for the front door? Bring the holiday spirit to your little cooking haven!” Houska captioned the pic.

Not surprisingly, many commenters were quick to point out that pine tree boughs — or imitations thereof — should probably kept far away from sources of fire.
“All I see is a fire happening,” wrote one such follower, according to UK tabloid The Sun.
“Seems like a fire hazard lol,” another chimed in.

The criticism of Chelsea’s kitchen decor was mostly semi-joking and good-natured, but the comments on a recent YouTube video promoting Houska’s HGTV home renovation show were much harsher.
Chelsea and husband Cole DeBoer are preparing to launch the second season of Down Home Fab, and the couple previewed their new slate of episodes with a holiday-themed tour of their home.
“Should we cheers?” Chelsea asks her husband in the clip below.
“My favorite part of Christmas is I always have the best gift right here,” Cole replied.
It was an endearing holiday moment that unfortunately prompted some cruel remarks about Houska’s appearance.
“She ruined her face,” one commenter wrote.
“I honestly think it’s makeup and sunless tanner. It’s discoloring her face in all [the] wrong places,” a second theorized.

“It might be the filter but her skin looks grey to me. She looks like a zombie,” added a third.
“She was so pretty and now she looks monstrous,” a fourth remarked
“I know! That just kills me. She was so damn pretty before she did whatever it is she’s done to herself,” said a fifth.

If you’re looking at Chelsea’s recent photos and thinking she looks just fine — well, that’s because she does.
But for some reason, haters are drawn to her like flies, and they love to pretend that they’re worried about Houska’s weight, her alleged fondness for fillers, and just about everything she posts.
We’re sure it’s exhausting for Chelsea, but fortunately, she has the welcome distractions of a loving family and her dream career to keep her mind occupied!
Things could be worse!