Some people believe that dogs look like their owners or vice versa, that people look like their canines. In this case, it is somewhat true as a French Bulldog has been snapped pulling the same facial expression as his owner while they both appear to be drinking out of a straw.
The viral clip shared by Riley Moss, 22, who uses the handle @rileynm10 has been viewed 6.5 million times and racked up a million likes. Riley has pieced together a handful of photos that illustrate her and Beaux, now 2, enjoying drinks from a range of places like Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts.
But it turns out the video isn't what it seems. Riley told Newsweek that the video caption "me to my french bulldog puppy when I taught him how to drink out of a straw" was a joke.
Riley, who lives in Columbia, South Carolina, said: "I've come to find out it's not really possible for dogs to use the straw cause they don't create suction like humans. However, he has always chewed on straws ever since I got him as a puppy and I just started taking pictures of him and attempting to make the same expressions as him when I snapped the photos."

Can Dogs Drink From a Straw?
In short, the answer is no. Dogs have incomplete cheeks which means they can open their mouths wide but cannot create suction like humans.
In 2014, the American Physical Society's Division of Fluid Dynamics studied how dogs drink. The results found "what makes pack hunting possible also makes suction drinking impossible." This is because dogs are unable to seal their cheeks completely, so there is no way for a dog to suck up water. These "incomplete cheeks" do however allow them to open wide to deliver "killing blows."

How Do Dogs Drink?
Most people who have seen a dog drink may describe it as a sloppy and messy affair. But the study found there is a reason behind dogs smashing their tongues on the water's surface. As their tongue is removed from the water, "they create a significant amount of acceleration—roughly five times that of gravity—that creates the water columns, which feed up into their mouths," according to Science Daily.
Over 1,180 people have commented on the popular clip and the top comment has received 14,000 likes.
It said: "Your puppy was born to be an influencer. Precious."
Another TikTok user pointed out: "Your expressions are the same."
"I need a tutorial on how to train this trick," read one comment.
A few users have suggested the images should be used as ads for the companies, one TikToker said: "All of these should be ads for that place !!!"
Do you have funny and adorable videos or pictures of your pet you want to share? We want to see the best ones! Send them in to and they could appear on our site.
Uncommon Knowledge
Newsweek is committed to challenging conventional wisdom and finding connections in the search for common ground.
Newsweek is committed to challenging conventional wisdom and finding connections in the search for common ground.
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