How about Monét X Change's educ?
Monét X Change Educ: Rider University
How old is Monét X Change? When is Monét X Change's birthday? Where is Monét X Change born? Where did Monét X Change grow up from? What's Monét X Change's age?
Monét X Change Born: 1990 (age 33years), Brooklyn, New York, NY
How about Monét X Change's instrument?
Monét X Change Instrument: Vocals
How about Monét X Change's full name?
Monét X Change Full name: Kevin Bertin
What happened to Monet X Change?
This age is bringing me an ease and excitement in singing that I didn't have before. During my undergrad (I did a double degree in opera performance and music education) I learned from my teacher that I wasn't going to reach vocal maturity until I was 34 or 35 because I'm a low voice, a bass baritone.
What pronouns does Monet X change use?
This age is bringing me an ease and excitement in singing that I didn't have before. During my undergrad (I did a double degree in opera performance and music education) I learned from my teacher that I wasn't going to reach vocal maturity until I was 34 or 35 because I'm a low voice, a bass baritone.
Who won Monet X change season?
This age is bringing me an ease and excitement in singing that I didn't have before. During my undergrad (I did a double degree in opera performance and music education) I learned from my teacher that I wasn't going to reach vocal maturity until I was 34 or 35 because I'm a low voice, a bass baritone.
Did Monet X change study opera?
This age is bringing me an ease and excitement in singing that I didn't have before. During my undergrad (I did a double degree in opera performance and music education) I learned from my teacher that I wasn't going to reach vocal maturity until I was 34 or 35 because I'm a low voice, a bass baritone.