How old is Nobuyuki Tsujii? When is Nobuyuki Tsujii's birthday? Where is Nobuyuki Tsujii born? Where did Nobuyuki Tsujii grow up from? What's Nobuyuki Tsujii's age?
Nobuyuki Tsujii Born: 1988 (age 35years), Tokyo, Japan
How about Nobuyuki Tsujii's albums?
Nobuyuki Tsujii Albums: Rachmaninov: Piano Concerto No.2, MORE
How about Nobuyuki Tsujii's instrument?
Nobuyuki Tsujii Instrument: Piano
How about Nobuyuki Tsujii's parents?
Nobuyuki Tsujii Parents: Itsuko Tsujii, Tsujii Takashi
How about Nobuyuki Tsujii's graduate date?
Nobuyuki Tsujii Graduate date: March 2011
How did Nobuyuki Tsujii learn piano?
Nobuyuki Tsujii was born blind due to microphthalmia. From an early age, he exhibited exceptional talent and musical ability. At age two, he began to play "Do Re Mi" on a toy piano after hearing his mother hum the tune. He began formal piano study at the age of four.
Is pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii blind?
Nobuyuki Tsujii was born blind due to microphthalmia. From an early age, he exhibited exceptional talent and musical ability. At age two, he began to play "Do Re Mi" on a toy piano after hearing his mother hum the tune. He began formal piano study at the age of four.