Chilling picture emerges of Nazi leader Himmler taken just moments after he swallowed cyanide pill
The moustache is gone but the familiar round glasses are still there in this chilling photograph of Heinrich Himmler seconds after he killed himself.
This is the first time this picture has been seen of the architect of the Holocaust, which claimed the lives of six million Jews, just after he crunched a cyanide capsule in his mouth.
The photograph, which is due to be auctioned, was taken by British intelligence officer Guy Adderleyin in May 1945.
Dishevelled Himmler, who had been arrested by the British, was due to be interrogated by intelligence chiefs over his war crimes the following day.

Moments after death: This photograph of Nazi death camp overlord Heinrich Himmler was taken just minutes after he committed suicide by biting into a cyanide pill in 1945

A poison phial found on Himmler's body in a search of his clothing before he committed suicide. For this he crunched a cyanide capsule in his mouth
After his death, Army chiefs released propaganda photographs of the monster's corpse slumped on the floor and a makeshift bed.
But Lance Corporal Adderley kept the stark, grainy close-up taken at a British safe house in Luneburg amongst his own wartime mementoes. His official statement at the time read: 'This photograph was taken while he was still warm.'
Now Adderley's family plan to sell the photograph at auctioneer Dreweatt's militaria sale in Bristol on March 29.
It has a pre-sale estimate of £2,000 to £3,000, but fierce bidding is expected to push it higher.
Auctioneer and militaria expert Malcolm Claridge said: 'This is a very important and historic collection.
'Himmler was Hitler's Reichsfuhrer, the second most powerful man in Nazi Germany.
'He oversaw the Gestapo and the concentration camps and is regarded as the architect of the Holocaust which resulted in the deaths of six million Jews and an estimated four million Poles.'
Heinrich Himmler was born in 1905 in Munich to a middle-class family. He began training as an officer during World War I but the conflict had ended before he could be sent to the front. He went on to study agriculture and for a short while was a chicken farmer.
He joined Hitler's fledgling Nazi party and soon became a trusted aide and even towards the end of the war the German leader referred to him as 'der treue Heinrich' (the loyal Heinrich).

Leading members of the Nazi Party two years before the outbreak of World War II. From left, Heinrich Himmler, Viktor Lutze, Adolf Hitler, Rudolf Hess, and Julius Streicher

Henchman: Hitler is presented with a painting of his hero, Frederick The Great by Heinrich Himmler (centre) for his 50th Birthday
Mr Claridge said: 'Adderley's collection takes us right to the heart of Himmler's arrest and right into the very room in the British safe house in Luneburg where he bit into the cyanide capsule he had concealed in his mouth.
'Guy Adderley was one of the team that arrested Himmler, he took the photographs of his body and there are two photographs showing senior British and Russian officers in the safe house with Adderley in the background.
'We also have Adderley's military identity card with his photograph confirming he was a lance-corporal and stating "The bearer of this card is a member of the Intelligence Corps (Field Security Wing) and is authorised to wear civilian clothes.
"He should be granted every assistance in the performance of his duties."
'The identity card bears an official purple stamp 'Security Officer - No2 Protected Area Orkney & Shetland.'
'We've already had enormous interest in this collection from Third Reich collectors and we are expecting especially strong interest from collectors in Germany.'
Secret agent Guy Adderley was one of the undercover team who arrested Himmler and his two Waffen SS bodyguards at Bremervoerde, Germany, in May 1945.
Initially the British were unaware who they had captured. Himmler was among a group of German soldiers captured after the Nazi surrender - disguised in a sergeant's uniform with a patch over one eye.
But his ruse was blown by the soldiers who told their British captors of his presence.
After his death, and under the cover of darkness, Himmler was buried in an unmarked grave on Luneburg Heath, in northern Germany. Those who buried him were made to sign the Official Secrets Act and told never to speak of the matter again.
The episode has been classified by the Ministry of Defence until 2045 - 100 years after the event.
Adderley, who died in his late 80s, was the photographer detailed to take the official pictures of Himmler's body after he took his own life.
The mystery surrounding Himmler's death on May 23, 1945, has been compounded by the covert way in which four British soldiers took his body from the Luneburg safe house, bundled it into an Army truck and secretly buried it in an unmarked grave on windswept Luneburg Heath. It has never been found.
In 1945 disillusioned Himmler believed victory had slipped from Germany's grasp and secretly attempted to start peace negotiations with Eisenhower in a bid to escape a war crimes trial.
But Eisenhower refused to have anything to do with Himmler. A furious Hitler declared Himmler a traitor, stripped him of his powers and the SS chief went on the run.
When Himmler was arrested by the British at Bremervoerde on May 22, 1945, he had disguised himself by shaving off his moustache, wearing an eye patch over his left eye and he was carrying false identity papers.
Lance Cpl Adderley's collection includes a photocopied statement describing how Himmler was handed over to British intelligence chief Major Michael Murphy who had him driven to the safe house at Luneburg for interrogation.
Adderley's statement reads: 'Presented by Cpl Adderley. For the record.
'Himmler was captured by and remained in the care of Guy Adderley, who handled him correctly and so was quite composed at that stage.
'The trick was to keep the prisoner so until the poison pill secreted between his teeth could be removed.
'A senior staff officer took control of the situation from Guy Adderley, with much noise and ceremony.
'Himmler became alarmed, crunched the poison pill, and that was the end of the story.
'This photograph was taken while he was still warm.'