Sinead O’Connor says she’s eager to do some crazy $h!t she didn’t have a chance to do when she was younger. Like, for example, pose nude for Playboy.
Ummyeah. No thanks?
“There’s so much I wouldn’t (sic) liked to do when I was younger and I was too miserable and Irish,” she tells the Word magazine, which apparently exists.

“A Playboy shoot is on my bucket list,” she adds. “And I like the idea of doing some interview in weird sex gear, talking about something really serious.”
“Like the economy! You can still talk about serious issues while you’re b**lock ass naked, down on all fours, in your dog collar!”
No word on whether Hugh Hefner is considering this enticing offer.
O’Connor has been in the news recently thanks to various suicidal Twitter missives and marriages/breakups/reconciliations/splits with Barry Herridge.