Former 'Teen Mom 2' star, Jenelle Evans has left he husband, David Eason, in the wake of felony assault charges. Is the relationship finally over for good?
Published on June 13, 2020
2 min readDavid Eason has a fresh felony charge hanging over his head, and his wife, Jenelle Evans has fled the family home. The couple’s most recent drama reportedly started last week, but fans have noticed trouble between the pair since Evans returned to “the land” after fleeing to Nashville in November 2019. Is Evans’ marriage to Eason officially done? She claims it is, but fans aren’t entirely convinced.
Jenelle Evans and David Eason break up again
For a few months, things seemed to be quiet for Evans and Eason, but even in their relatively calm moments, fans saw signs that trouble was brewing. Several weeks back, Evans posted cryptic tweets about being unable to trust anyone. She also noted that her phone was smashed. When fans jumped to the conclusion that Eason had broken her phone during an argument, she defended him, but more drama was just around the corner.
Two weeks ago, Evans traded insults with her husband on Facebook, then showed up on social media without her wedding ring. Now it seems that Evans has officially left Eason and the home they shared together, and their break up wasn’t a friendly one. Eason has been charged with felony assault with a deadly weapon and will need to appear in court on July 6, according to Us Weekly.
Is Jenelle Evans finally done with David Eason?
The few fans that Evans has left are hoping that this most recent incident is enough to help her break free from Eason for good, but not everyone is convinced that is going to happen. While some supporters are calling Evans out for returning to Eason, despite the clear signs of abuse, many have pointed out that the cyclic pattern of breaking up and making up is not uncommon in abusive relationships.

Evans, however, claims she is done with the relationship. In fact, Eason’s current legal troubles appear to stem from Evans leaving him. According to reports, Evans had asked two friends to help her move her things out of the home she shared with Eason when a fight broke out. From the sounds of it, Evans was leaving Eason before he assaulted her friend and was hauled away by the police.
Followers are wondering where the couple’s children are
Followers were unsurprised by the recent unrest in Evans and Eason’s home. The troubled couple has a pattern of massive fights, although none until now has resulted in a felony charge. Followers, however, do appear concerned about the children that were living with the pair when the reported assault occurred.
Evans and Eason had three children living with them when the arrest took place. Maryssa is Eason’s daughter from his first marriage. Eason was granted custody of her in 2017. Additionally, Kaiser Griffith, who is Evans’ son from a previous relationship, and Ensley, the couple’s only child together, lived in the home.

Evans took to Twitter to inform fans that she and her children were safe, but she didn’t mention anything about Maryssa. Supporters are now concerned about the whereabouts of the 12-year-old girl. Evans is unlikely to comment about any custody issues that stem from Eason’s altercation, though.