Tomi Lahren – whether you love her or hate her or the very sound of her voice causes you to jam the nearest sharp object into your ear until your vision starts to go all blobby and colorful, you’ve got to admit one thing:
She is very much a thing that exists, and at the tender age of 24, she’ll almost certainly continue to exist for quite some time.
Sure, Lahren is in the process of being fired by The Blaze but like a many-legged insect or a T-1000 that’s been reduced to liquid metal, she’ll pop up somewhere new in no time.
That’s bad news if, like most people with consciences and educations beyond fourth grade, you find Lahren’s politics abhorrent.
But there’s good news, too:
You see, there’s no such thing as a shrill selfie, so you can enjoy Tomi’s (mostly) apolitical selfies guilt-free!
Check out some highlights:
