Apparently, The Real Housewives of Orange County cast member Vicki Gunvalson posted a topless photo to Instagram Thursday morning before quickly deleting it.
Vicki, 52, had just received a gift from Bravo of Beats headphones.
Naturally, she had to post a picture of them to social media, because no one has ever seen what those look like and we all needed to know Bravo hooked her up.

And naturally, she was wearing no top at the time she took the pic. Who among us doesn’t walk around topless while opening boxes from the UPS guy?
Little did Vicki realize the packaging for the headphones was reflective, and the short-lived Instagram post featured her naked breasts in all their glory.
Luckily, it was screen capped before she nixed it. Enjoy (we guess):
Hot stuff right there. Now we just need Tamra Barney to one-up her.
Gunvalson has always been one to shake it off, which you know well if you watch The Real Housewives of Orange County online, and has bigger things on her plate.
On a personal note, Brooks Ayers has cancer, and her longtime boyfriend has been living with her in the O.C. while he battles the crippling, life-threatening disease.
Both Brooks and Vicki have been involved in an ongoing lawsuit pertaining to her vodka line, Vicki’s Vodka, where she is being sued for breach of contract.
On top of all that, she was forced to deal with the leak of a series of recordings in which Brooks allegedly admitted he was violent and was “known to cheat.”
The point … what’s a couple of boobs? (And nice ones at that?)

Real Housewives: Before They Were Stars!
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